Thursday, August 27, 2020
Solar System and Outer Planets free essay sample
How are the external planets like one another? The external planets are made up from for the most part gases. They have atleast one moon. They don’t have strong surfaces. 2. How are the external planets not quite the same as one another? Uranus and Neptune are called ice monsters, while Jupiter and Saturn are produced using helium and hydrogen gases. 3. How are overshadow planets not quite the same as evident planets? They have divine bodies in their circle, and they are littler. 4. What is the course of action of the external planets? What impact does their situation have the planets? Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, they take up 99% of the mass of the heavenly bodies circling out sun. 5. What is Titan? For what reason are researchers inspired by it? Titan is Saturn’s monster moon, it has a surface tempurature of around 270 degrees fahrenheit , it has a think climate that’s viewed by researchers as one of the most mind boggling synthetic condition in our close planetary system Critical Thinking Questions 1. We will compose a custom article test on Close planetary system and Outer Planets or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page How do the external planets vary from the internal planets? Inward planets are delegated rough planets while the external planets are named gas monsters, the external planets have a more prominent mass then all the internal planets. The external planets additionally have little centers. They are additionally cooler than the inward planets. 2. Which of the external planets is MOST similar to Earth? How? Saturn since the two of them have in any event one moon, the two of them get seasons like summer and winter, and the gravity is comparative. 3. Do you think the external planets contain any life? Bolster your reaction with realities. No animal can endure anyplace yet on earth, since anything alive necessities water to live, and different planets don't have water. 4. For what reason was Pluto renamed from a planet to a smaller person planet? For what reason did this make discussion? Its so distant from earth to get a decent gander at the planet. It is route littler than the various planets Pluto is additionally frantic up of a mix of rocks and ice which is not quite the same as different planets, like comets which places it in an ifferent order. 5. How has the idea of a planet changed since the sixteenth century? Do you think this shows logical exactness or invalidates future realities, as one accept that they will be undermined in time as well? They characterized planets as bodies that circled the sun, presently they realize that planets don’t simply circle the sun they can be pulled in and circle different planets because of the gravity, and now we have a superior ori gination on planets and their gravitational powers.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Legal Status of Marcellus Drilling in Pennsylvania
General lawful issues In Pennsylvania, the principle open concern is arrangement and legitimate issues identifying with penetrating of Marcellus Shale. The greater part of these legitimate issues have been contributed by the advancement exercises identified with Drilling of Marcellus Shale.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Legal Status of Marcellus Drilling in Pennsylvania explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More These lawful issues address territories of concern, for example, ecological corruption, improvement of the industry’s framework, civil guideline, etc. Major legitimate improvements identified with Drilling of Marcellus are laid out beneath. All together for an organization to be permitted to complete Marcellus Drilling exercises, it must hold lawful rights to the interests of flammable gas property that are dependent upon the penetrating exercises (Blackburn 15). As indicated by Blackburn (16), the land proprietor is the person who award s such rights as per the provisions of a rent concurrence on gas and oil. The law in Pennsylvania necessitates that vitality organizations to broadly manage private land proprietors during the time spent procuring leases. This is on the grounds that a large portion of gaseous petrol rights inside the development of Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania are under private possession (Blackburn 20). In the Farm and Forest Land evaluation Act of 1974, the land readable for mining is surveyed dependent on the estimation of its utilization as opposed to its incentive in reasonable market. This rule is otherwise called Clean and Green. The consequence of this is generally lower land charge commitments. Incase such a land is utilized for an ineligible reason, this rule accommodates a move back duty punishment. The necessity of the punishment is that the proprietor of the land must compensation as long as seven years of tax reductions got alongside intrigue (Beck 20). Ecological legitimate issues Many issues of natural law have sprung up in Pennsylvania because of an expansion in the quantity of Marcellus Drilling exercises. The principle focal point of these laws has concentrated on the nature of water. The explanation behind this is the procedure of Marcellus boring requires an enormous measure of water.Advertising Looking for exposition on government? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This colossal measure of water is typically utilized during the procedure of pressure driven breaking. The capacity to remove flammable gas from Marcellus boring relies upon the innovation of pressure driven cracking. Subsequently, the law requires that before any organization starts Marcellus boring tasks, it must get legitimate water grants. For example, flammable gas penetrating organizations, which use water from River Susquehanna are required to acquire the endorsement of Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC), before utilizin g water from the stream (Beck 25). As indicated by Robert Beck (26) in 2008, the legislature of Pennsylvania gave a public statement that measures to guarantee that monetary advantages from extraction of Marcellus shale didn't collect to the detriment of the regular assets in the nation. The obligation to actualize this request was given to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Furthermore, the Marcellus Drilling administrators must present their well grant applications, in addition to an extra Permit Application Addendum to DEP. Robert Beck (26) keeps on expressing that Pennsylvania’s general disintegration and dregs control plan necessitates that each administrator must get ready and execute a control to control disintegration and residue on well destinations where earth aggravation will happen on under five sections of land of earth. The law requires the foundation of principles for wastewater. Therefore, treatment and reemergence is utilized for removal of ove rabundance wastewater in Pennsylvania. Moral hypothesis According to Blackburn (39) the hypothesis of Deontological morals which investigates who claims the rights, what is required by equity, and what obligation means can be utilized in this case.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Legal Status of Marcellus Drilling in Pennsylvania explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, under this moral hypothesis the laws concerning penetrating of Marcellus can be utilized to guarantee that organization proprietors convey the obligation to secure the earth, and that the privileges of land owners are not abused by state laws. This will guarantee a working domain that is reasonable and sensible. Works Cited Blackburn, Simon. Being Good: An Introduction to Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. Print. Beck, Robert E. â€Å"Current Water Issues in Oil and Gas Development and Production: Will Water Control What Energy We Have?†Washburn Law Jou rnal 49(2010): 423-455. Print. This paper on Legal Status of Marcellus Drilling in Pennsylvania was composed and put together by client Brogan Merritt to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; in any case, you should refer to it likewise. You can give your paper here.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive MBA Event Access MBA Tour in NYC Matches MBA Candidates with Best B-Schools
Blog Archive MBA Event Access MBA Tour in NYC Matches MBA Candidates with Best B-Schools As many companies struggle to rebuild and expand their activity after the economic crisis, an increasing number have shifted their hiring focus and are now recruiting qualified MBA graduates. Two-thirds of companies participating in the latest Graduate Management Admission Council’s Corporate Recruiter’s Survey planned to hire MBA graduates for mid-level positions. This is in great contrast to corporate recruitment in 2009, when companies reduced the number of available positions by half. Experts indicate that companies are in need of dynamic MBA-educated executives to help them to build and strengthen their business for the future. The general consensus is that MBA graduates are more qualified to take on business-building tasks than employees without such experience. In the past, individuals with BAs were frequently on equal footing with MBA graduates. An MBA degree is a major asset and now almost a mandatory condition for a management position. An event that helps candidates select the right MBA program The Access MBA Tour will return to New York City with international business schools that wish to recruit local MBA candidates. The event’s one-to-one format is a unique and effective way to match candidates who meet schools’ admissions criteria. When registering online, candidates provide information about their personal and professional profile. Before the event, Access MBA matches the candidates with the MBA programs that meet their needs and criteria, and at the event, the candidates meet with MBA admissions directors in 20-minute intervals. Event participants can also benefit from free orientation sessions with Access MBA’s professional consultants and GMAT test preparation advisors. “The MBA One-to-One format that we created eight years ago has become the new standard of graduate recruitments amongst top international business schools,†says Christophe Coutat, founder and CEO of Advent Group, the media agency that organizes the Access MBA Tour. Participating international business schools The Access MBA Tour features top-ranked universities at each event, including HEC Paris, London Business School, Cass, ESADE, IE Business School, INSEAD, Kellogg-WHU, Manchester Business School, University of Chicago â€" Booth, SDA Bocconi, Vlerick Leuven Gent, IESE, UCD Smurfit School of Business, IMD, Durham Business School, Duke Fuqua, University of Monaco, Audencia Nantes School of Management, Hult International Business School, and many more! About the Access MBA Tour The Tour holds 55 MBA events annually in more than 40 cities worldwide. Access MBA is a project of Advent Group, a Paris-based media agency that coordinates educational and recruiting events throughout Europe, the Middle East, Asia and the Americas. More information can be found at The Access MBA Tour business education event will take place in New York City on June 18, 2012, from 4:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the Warwick New York Hotel. Sign up today! Share ThisTweet mbaMission Events
Monday, May 25, 2020
Lincoln Movie Leadership Analysis - 1380 Words
Hunter Anderson Dr. Fairhurst Leadership Communication 4008 8 December 2015 Lincoln Essay The year is 1865 and the Civil War death toll has risen just over six-hundred-thousand men. The freedoms sought out by our nation’s founders, now jeopardized by the secession of eleven states from the Union. The fate of The United States of America now laid upon the broad shoulders of our nations sixteenth commander-in-chief, President Abraham Lincoln. In a term marked by the burden of complete social upheaval, Abraham Lincoln was our nation’s foremost leader. The lawyer from Illinois navigated the only internal war in American history by embodying the principals taught by Professor Grint, utilizing a model of distributed leadership to gather†¦show more content†¦Abraham Lincoln further embodies the work of Professor Grint as he illustrates his understanding of the relationship between the increasing uncertainty of a solution to the nations dissimilarities and its requirement of collaborative resolution through his use of nonconventional methods. President Lincoln’s true brilliance in leadership becomes evident in this period as he demonstrates another teaching of Grint’s; Relationships not Structures. Lincoln knew that the core principal in solving the countries problems was simply the power of human relationships. By creating a cabinet full of his closest rivals, President Lincoln displays his emotional intelligence with the quote â€Å"Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?†. Grint further states that â€Å"power is a relationship and change depends on the relationship between leaders and followers†¦ if followers choose not to obey, then the greatest strategy in the world will probably fail.†(Grint 11). These quotes illustrate the social and emotional intelligence that Abraham Lincoln possessed, and depict his unconscious affirmation of the principals taught by Professor Grint. Relationships and the quest for information were the key to success. President Lincoln was a master in his understanding of the importance collaboration held to his unification effort. The initial problem he faced in the film is that of passing the thirteenth amendment by the end of January,Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie Lincoln 962 Words  | 4 Pages Actually, Steven Spielberg’s film named â€Å"Lincoln†starts during the time of the Civil War, when President Abraham Lincoln was requiring this war’s end. From the initial scene the cruelty of the war is clearly shown, mostly against African American soldiers. In fact, racial discrimination was a significant problem at that time and that was one of the biggest struggles of Abraham Lincoln, as he attempted to maintain the whole nation as one union. The film describes the situation occurred in the 1860sRead MoreServand and Transformational Leadership1593 Words  | 6 PagesAnalysis of Leadership behavior from selected characters In terms of the Servant, Transactional and Transforming leadership model, what does Lincoln, Leo, and Dr. Stockman do well and why? To start with, I want to write about Abraham Lincoln. Most of the articles I read in regards to Lincoln suggest Lincoln as a follower of the â€Å"Constitutional Leadership Model†. 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Description of E-Business issues†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Recommendations†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Abstract Anyone who has endured work as a low-level cog in a corporate machine should appreciateRead More The Pros and Cons of Human Cloning Essay3781 Words  | 16 Pagesthing is that under close analysis there really arent any serious problems. In the few cases where abuses are likely to occur, these can be avoided by targeted legislation. There is nothing about human cloning per se that justifies its criminalization. The only objection that stands up under analysis is that the technology has not been perfected. This is a justification for further research, not for a prohibition. The only objection that stands up under analysis is that the technology hasRead MoreTrait, Skills, and Situational Leadership Approaches: a Comparative Examination7410 Words  | 30 PagesTRAIT, SKILLS, AND SITUATIONAL LEADERSHIP APPROACHES: A COMPARATIVE EXAMINATION LEAD 720: Leadership Theory and Practice Professor: Dr. David C. Greenhalgh Submitted by: Ronald Greilich Eastern University April 15, 2011 Introduction There are many theories of leadership but three of the more formative are the trait approach, the skills approach, and the situational approach theories. This paper will compare these approaches, their foundations, and their research records as wellRead MoreSWOT Associated Press4621 Words  | 19 Pagesï » ¿BERKELEY COLLEGE SWOT Analysis Professor Salzer BUS292 6/9/2010 Table of Contents Introduction: The Associated Press (AP) is an American news agency that was established in 1846 by five daily newspapers from New York City. They established the cooperation in order to deliver news about the Mexican War faster than the U.S. Post Office could. The known founder was Moses Yale Beach and the first CEO, named Alexander Jones, cameRead MoreA Comparison Between Booker T. Washington (19th century) and Martin Luther King Jr. (20th century)5383 Words  | 22 Pageslater changed to Tuskegee Institute (now Tuskegee University). The school taught specific trades, such as carpentry, farming, and mechanics, and trained teachers. As it expanded, Washington spent much of his time raising funds. Under Washingtons leadership, the institute became famous as a model of industrial education. The Tuskegee Institute National Historic Site, established in 1974, includes Washingtons home, student-made college buildings, and the George Washington Carver Museum. Though WashingtonRead MoreTexas Textbook Controversy5455 Words  | 22 Pages------------------------------------------------- Texas textbook controversy- Analysis Kim Stevenson Eastern New Mexico University CI 531 1WW March 3, 2013- Abstract: Ever since the 1960s, the Texas textbook controversy has had an issue in America. The Texas school board is meeting to make revisions to their textbooks and curriculum. But are they also revising history? Educators across the country are watching to see the effect this issue will have on students. The choices the board members
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Elements of Plato in John Donnes The Good Morrow Essay
Elements of Plato in John Donnes The Good Morrow There are clear Platonic elements in Donnes The Good Morrow. The idea that Donne and his lady are halves that complete each other is traceable to Platos theory of love. Lines 7 and 8 of the poem refer to the Platonic World of Ideas: the lady is presented as the Idea of Beauty, of which all earthly beauty is but an imperfect reflection. My argument, however, is that Platos cave allegory and his World of Ideas are integral to a full understanding of this highly complex poem. The first reference to the Platonic cave comes in line 4 of the poem: Or snorted we in the seven sleepers den? The seven sleepers are seven young Christians who were walled up in a cave in the year 249.†¦show more content†¦This is a long and difficult process, however, and those who succeed in it act as if they have awakened from a dream and finally discovered the true destiny of their soul. Overwhelmed with joy, they do not wish to return to the cave, but Plato insists that they must, to educate and free their fellow human beings who are still inside. In the first stanza of The Good Morrow, Donne and his lady are in darkness, but in the second, they have emerged into the sunlight, awakened from the dream that they previously considered to be reality, and discovered perfection. The perfection they have found, however, is not God but each other, and they feel no responsibility toward those human beings who are still in darkness. As in Plato, it is perfection rather than size that is of the highest importance, and the little room the lovers dwell in becomes more significant than all the vast new worlds discovered by seventeenth-century voyagers and students of the heavens. Platos freed cave-dwellers discover God, but Donne and his lady find each other. The Good Morrow is thus a very clever reworking of Platos cave allegory, for Donne and his lady establish a perfect love relationship and become themselves part of the World of Ideas. Together, they constitute a complete and perfect world. The third and last stanza ends as follows: Whatever dies was not mixed equally; If our two loves be
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Characteristics Of A High Quality Program - 1203 Words
When researching early childhood programs, it’s important to look for characteristics of a high quality program. Components and characteristics of a high-quality program include, but are not limited to: a curriculum that is developmentally appropriate; teachers with adequate training; a safe environment; small group size and low adult to child ratios; and communication between parents and teachers (Schuyler Center for Analysis and Advocacy, 2012). Developmentally appropriate curriculum means using knowledge about child development to create a program that is suitable for the age and stage of development of the group of children you are teaching. At the same time, your program considers the needs of each individual child†(â€Å"Developmentally†¦show more content†¦Rooms should be organized for the safety and supervision of all children. Materials that are age-appropriate should be safe, and accessible to the children. Adequate staff must be available to meet an d ensure that all needs are met appropriately. High-quality programs should accommodate for indoor and outdoor play, and space for active and quiet play. Activities should allow for gross motor development, and provide safe surfaces for the children in case of falls or accidents. To meet the needs for emotional safety, staff should be understanding to the anxiety felt by both child and parent after separation, and help to ease this anxiety. Consistent schedules and clear expectations of staff and an age-appropriate environment will help to settle the child into the program, and provide a feeling of safety. The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) has described a high-quality program as providing a â€Å"safe, nurturing environment that promotes the physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of young children while responding to the needs of families.†Early childhood education and interventions have various benefits for children. Experimental evidence has proven that program intensity matters, and that early intervention home-visit programs support cognitive development benefits with an intensity level of three visits per week (Powell Grantham-McGregor, 1989; Ramey Ramey, 1998). In one study in particular, it was
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Culutual Anthropology Essay Research Paper As an free essay sample
Culutual Anthropology Essay, Research Paper As an recreational anthropologist, I was to take part in my observation, which I did to the best of my ability. Choosing my subject was the most hard for me. Coming to America there are so many options that I could take to research. So what was I to make? Well, being in the province of Kentucky, Lexington at that, I decided to research a clean event in which Americans call hoops. Equally shortly as I stepped of the large metal bird, I saw a image of a wild cat keeping a unit of ammunition orange ball. I remember believing, # 8220 ; I could neer run these animate beings, they are excessively smart, they are nil similar to the 1s in the Outback of Australia. So I stopped the individual that rode following to me on the metal bird, # 8220 ; What is that carnal making with that ball? # 8221 ; He remarked, # 8220 ; We are in Lexington, place of the Kentucky Wildcats. # 8221 ; With that he walked off. How could Kentucky be considered the place of the wildcat? We have many in the Outback. So, I continued down the nest where the birds drink and remainder. Then it eventually hit me, the name of the hoops squad were the Wildcats. I was good on my manner to happen these # 8220 ; Kentucky Wildcats. # 8221 ; I arrived where they house the wildcats that play ball. The name of the coop was Rupp Arena. Apparently, I was non the lone one interested in watching these trained animate beings play the athletics of hoops. The monetary value to watch these animate beings were highly expensive ; 30 dollars in American currency which would interpret into 300 of my ain currency. Once inside the coop I found that it was non at all what I thought it to be. There was an tremendous sum of people present. In my observation this event is the biggest that people in this civilization attend. In this coop you could smell a assortment of things. Some odors were all excessively familiar from place ; the piss odor as you walked into the topographic point where people went to alleviate themselves reminded me of the # 8220 ; Hole. # 8221 ; They had many different nutrients that smelled nil like anything that I have of all time smelled earlier. They had a brown thing that was twisted into a eldritch design ; they had something that was in the signifier of a trigon that looked like a piece of staff of life with cheese on top and circular meat. I subsequently learned that this nutrient was called pizza. I was introduced to sweet soiled H2O that they call Pepsi. They gave me small square balls of ice to maintain my Pepsi cold while I watch these animate beings play hoops. I was ready to travel watch the animate beings. What a eldritch event that brought an utmost sum of people. As I enter the chief room of the coop I find that the floor is made of wood with composing on it and there are two eldritch looking trees, one at each terminal of the tribunal. I was overwhelmed by what I saw, I had to travel down at that place and see what was traveling on. I figured there are a batch of people down at that place looking at the Wyrd trees and the wood shocking with composing on it so why non fall in them. But what I was confused about was the fact that there were 26 people on this floor throwing orange balls into a ring attached on the trees. Possibly this was a ritual before the wildcats were brought out. As I try to take my first measure onto the floor a adult male that was have oning a xanthous coat with black inscription stopped me. He tried to explicate that lone remunerators could be on the floor. The look on my face may hold shown him that I was an foreigner and he explained that the game was approximately to get down and I should take my place. So before I found the right place after sitting in three other people # 8217 ; s seats, a adult male have oning a bluish waistcoat eventually showed me to my place. After sitting for 10 proceedingss the villagers began standing. In order to try to suit in I did this besides. After I stood, music began to play and for awhile it appeared that everyone was starring at me, but after a few minutes I realized that they were looking at a flag which represents the United States. After the vocal was over, I did as the remainder and sat dow n. I was ready to see the wild cats play hoops. To my surprise 10 of the 26 people that was throwing the orange ball into the rings on the trees walked out have oning their tribal colourss, five on each folk. Then three cats that were dressed like zebras walked out on to the floor with the two different folks transporting the same orange ball that the tribal work forces were throwing up earlier. After everyone walked out onto the floor everyone began to shout every bit loud as they could and stamp at that place pess and bang at that place hands shouting, # 8220 ; Go Wildcats. # 8221 ; In absolute joy I stand up anticipating to see the animate beings playing hoops, but alternatively it is the tribal work forces. They are running back and Forth with the orange ball. Severa cubic decimeter of the work forces would throw the ball to the land and it would resile back up to them, as they would run with it. The tribal work forces would group themselves up in braces and take bends standing in forepart of them beckoning their weaponries like they are brainsick. I think that it was a ritual to make this to each other as to demo regard for one another. The zebra looking work forces neer touched the orange ball except when the made a loud noise through a small black thing they blew into. The zebras controlled piques that both folks would allow detonate into choler. Every clip a folk adult male would acquire hit by an opposite member of the folk the zebra would blow his small black thing and keep up fingers towards the villagers in the bleachers. I noticed that this civilization would utilize manus gestures to pass on. As a participant I would mime their actions and throw my custodies in the air when they did. It was unusual because the same gesture would demo ei ther disgust or joy for their folk. Some would even expose their in-between finger, which I took as a humbling gesture. After 20 proceedingss of the folks playing hoops, a loud horn sounded naming the folks off the tribunal. At this clip all the villagers got up from their place and travel to the cage’s meeting topographic point, where 1 could acquire nutrient and drink or urinate. Some would even set a little white stick to their oral cavity and continue to catch it on fire. After 30 proceedingss everyone shuffled back into the stamping evidences in which were for before the large horn blew once more. Once once more the two tribal work forces took to the large wooden floor and the eldritch trees. I noticed that the head was non have oning the same garments as his followings. He wore apparels that covered all his organic structure except his face. The tribe work forces wore shirts with the arms ripped off and bloomerss with half the legs cut off. I think that possibly the tri be’s work forces have battled prior to this meeting and this was the ground for their ragged garments. The chiefs neer stepped onto the large wood floor. He did nevertheless beckon his custodies like a brainsick adult male and even jumped up and down like the followings under him. Some of the work forces would even plunge into the villagers to see if they were paying attending to what was blossoming before them. The mixture of the villagers was astonishing. It seemed no affair if you had colored or you were pale you were accepted if you did good for the folk and considered a shame if you hurt the folk. Both folks had people of different colourss and ages. Some had old mans and wrinkled tegument and others were excessively immature to speak and demo their blessing for their folk. All come out to demo support and to promote their well-thought-of folk. After passing a Thursday dark in a coop called Rupp Arena I learned that the folks name is called the Wildcats and it is a competitory sporting event and nil more. However, some of the villagers ever think that they can make better than who represent them. I have found that if I live by these three regulations in Rupp Arena one can successfully make full his/her function in roll uping informations ; one- go along with the crowd, they have been around for awhile and cognize the ropes ; two- cry loud for the folk that traveled the least sum to acquire to Rupp Arena ; three- smiling and hit others custodies when the orange ball goes through the ring on the tree. It is wise to shout for the folk that you sit amongst. I would ever hold a individual assisting me to larn the game of hoops as Barbara Anderson had person show her the ropes in the bathing machine. And to happen out information about what was go oning, I would inquire merely as she did to happen out more about the civilization in Denmark. As I merely sat there detecting the actions I found that everything was cosmopolitan, the shouting, the manus gestures, and the jumping up and down. They were all actions that showed either disgust or joy for what was go oning on the floor. This is a manner that people can bask life and kick back and bask the actions that took topographic point in forepart of them or it was a manner for them to populate their yesteryear through the current rivals. The eldritch trees I found out subsequently are called ends in which the participants would hit the hoops. They would go through and dribble and the manager would learn his participants to play defensive on the other squad. I found it really hard to be merely an perceiver and sometimes I would catch myself basking my milieus and non making the thing that I was at that place to make in the first topographic point. I enjoyed it though because it enabled me to sit back and catch some people making crackbrained things that I likely sometimes do. Overall this was a merriment undertaking to take portion in and I am glad that I was able to make it at a University of Kentucky hoops game.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Human Resources
What unfair labor practices may have occurred? Although Pete Ross went against the stipulation in the Employees’ Handbook that prohibited consumption of alcoholic beverages within the company premises, the company’s supervisor, George, seem to have hoarded some hatred towards Ross. The discharge of peter Ross was unfair labor practice because out of hatred, George requested and supported his discharge.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Human Resources specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The plant manager perceived the discharge as routine but rooted for punishment rather than discharge in order to support first-line managers. Furthermore, other machinists read mischief in the discharge of Ross for according to them; it was not just another routine practice. The machinists had many fears that the company was at liberty to discharge them unfairly, just as Ross and this prompted them to join the union. Desp ite the fact that Ross did quality work, George ironically blurted to that the company did not need quality but quantity work. This remark underscores the hatred that George harbored towards Ross and therefore it is evident that Ross lost his job unfairly. Termination of John Briggs was another unfair labor practice. The company terminated him because he advocated for the rights of machinists by encouraging them to join International Association of Machinists Union. John Briggs advised other machinists to join the union as a way of protect themselves against unfair labor practices by their employer. All through his dealings, John Briggs acted within the law but the employer felt threatened by his efforts thus discriminatively terminated his contract on false grounds that, he was unproductive and continually absent in past year. According to Alberta Labour Relation Board, no employer â€Å"†¦shall refuse to employ †¦ or discriminate against any person in regard to employme nt or any term or condition of employment because the person is a member of a trade union or an applicant for membership in a trade union†(2003, p. 4). This provision prohibits employers from preventing or undermining the efforts of employees from participating in their respective trade unions. Therefore, termination of John Briggs due to his participation in the International Association of Machinists was an unfair labor practice. Should management offer reinstatement to Pete Ross or John Briggs? The company management should offer reinstatement to John Briggs because the employer violated his rights of participation in the trade unions. Unlike Pete Ross who went against provisions in the Employees’ Handbook, John Briggs was advocating for the rights of the employees within the law.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Alberta Labor Relation Board prohibits employe rs from â€Å"†¦seeking by intimidation, dismissal, threat of dismissal or any other kind of threat, †¦ to compel an employee to refrain from becoming or to cease to be a member, officer or representative of a trade union†(2003, p. 5). In this case, the employer sought to threaten other employees by dismissing John Briggs so that they (employees) do not join trade union to champion for their rights. If the union could intervene for the termination John Briggs, the employer would be guilty of violating the rights of employees to join and participate in unions voluntarily. Thus, the management should reinstate John Briggs and allow him to exercise his rights. Moreover, the employer unfairly appraised John Briggs that he had been excessively absent in the past year and had low productivity. If John Briggs had been continually absent during the past year, the employer would have warned him and there would be sufficient documentation to prove it; unfortunately, such pro of was conspicuously missing. This allegation was timely because John Briggs offended his employer when he mobilized other employees to join trade union so that they can protect themselves against slipshod discharge they had witnessed. In addition, John Briggs commended on the quality of work that Pete Ross did yet George, the supervisor never liked. This portray that John Briggs was a very productive employee who deserved promotion and not termination, thus the management should reinstate him. Was Briggs correct when he answered, â€Å"That is none of your business†to the questions about the authorization cards? Given that the management was interfering with employees’ efforts to join union, John Briggs correctly responded to the plant manager and supervisor who grilled him concerning distribution of authorization cards. It was not the business of the management to pry into the affairs of workers and their unions. Although the remark seem to have offended the managem ent, Smith argues that, â€Å"disciplining an employee for using an alleged commanding and disrespectful tone of voice to a manager while he/she was acting in the capacity of a union representative is unacceptable†(2003, p. 3). Therefore, John had the right to command and remind the management that employees needed freedom to participate in any matter relating to the unionization of the workers. From the perspective of the employer, the interrogation meant to intimidate and prevent John Briggs from issuing more authorization cards to the employees. The employer questioned the validity of the cards in terms of authorizing signature and the issuing authority that bypassed the company management. Since the mangers wanted to suppress the rights of employees, it was futile to inform them about the unionization of the employees, because they were going to undermine the efforts.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Human Resources specifically for you fo r only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The management knew that unionization of the employees would eliminate discrimination and unreasoned discharge of employees without any justifiable cause. Understanding the kind of management in place, John Briggs was right to tell off the management that it was none of their business to know matters related to unionization of employees. References Alberta Labor Relation Board. (2003). Unfair Labor Practices by Employers. Alberta Labour Journal, 1-10. Smith, G. (2003). Unfair Labor Practices. Journal of Good Labor Practices, 1-12. This essay on Human Resources was written and submitted by user Daphne W. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Essay about Alive, but Without Life
Essay about Alive, but Without Life Essay about Alive, but Without Life Alive, but without life Alzheimer’s The Silent Disease Abstract The purpose of this paper is to describe Alzheimer’s disease and the affects it has on humans. Alzheimer’s is a sad deadly disease that aged people fear of having. Sadly more than half the population in humans 75 and old have it in one form or another. There are other types if memory disease, however, this paper is only going to cover Alzheimer’s disease. This disease is the fifth leading cause of death in elderly people. However, there is no cure and no ways on know exactly what causes Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is a disease that affects the behavior, thought process and the memory of older people. A German Doctor named DR. Alois Alzheimer, discovered Alzheimer’s by observing a patient and her reaction to certain things. This patient died after years of degenerating memory problems, confusion and difficulty understanding questions. After her death Dr. Alzheimer’s performed an autopsy, his finding were very inconclusive. He found dense deposits around the nerve cells he called this neuritic plaques. Inside the nerve cell, he discovered twisted bands of fibers called neurifibrillary tangles. Neuritic plaques are the pieces or protein and other matter that surround the neuron. The neurifibrillary tangles are protein build up inside the neuron. These two work together to disrupt the brain normal function and increases when someone has AD. Our brain have these two things in them to begin with, they just have more with AD. Sadly, Alzheimer’s disease is none to be the fifth leading cause of death in people 65 and older. After his discovery in 1906, of this usual disease Dr. Alzheimer’s studied AD until his death in 1915. He had no idea that this discovery would bear his name a few years after his death. At the time of his discovery, Dr. Alzheimer thought an organic matter caused the disorder. However, to this day the cause of AD is still unknown. Dr. Alzheimer died December 19, 1915 of tonsillitis, which resulted in him getting nephritis. While alive, he published multiply papers on dementia and the different kinds and there affects to the human brain. Since its discoverer y, there have been many breakthroughs, like the discovery of a link between cognitive decline and the number of plagues and tangles in the brain. In the 1960’s, when this discovery was made about the cognitive decline, the medical board recognized that is was not a normal part of aging and that something had to be done to cure it. Since then AD has have a large increase of attention into the nerve cells in the human brain. Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive disease that gets worse over time, until the person dies. In many cases, AD is actually the cause of death or the reaction to causing the person to get another illness.AD is a leading cause of pneumonia in people 85 and older, because they forget to keep themselves up (like taking their medications) and they sometime forget to swallow the mucus inside them causing pneumonia. As with the rest of our bodies our brain has to change to adapt to the changes we go through during life. AD leads to nerve cell and tissue loss threw out the whole brain. Over time, the brain of someone with AD shrinks causing it to loss normal functioning. In today’s research, there have been many discoveries of there being stages that come along with AD. Researchers have discovered there are ten stages of AD. Stage one being the stage where someone starts to have a greater a mount of memory loss that may disrupt his or her daily lives. The most common side effect in the beginning is forgetting things they just learned. In the second stage, people start to have problems with problem solving and planning things. People with AD may start to notice the little things like not being able to follow a plan or even work out problems with numbers; there concentration seems to decrease in this stage. The third stage gets to
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Cell Phones Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Cell Phones - Research Paper Example Body Past, Present and Future Cell phone use has elevated over the years and alone in the region of United States the number of Cell phone users within a time period of 5 years starting from 2007 and ending in 2012 have increased from over 255.4 million users to 326.4 million users and this accounts for an increase in mobile phone users by 27% (CTIA 1). The first cell phone was born around 40 years back when the very first phone call through a cell phone was made by Martin Cooper and the cell phone that was used to make that call was named as DynaTAC and it was an invention made by Motorola Company. This phone was commonly renowned as the brick since it was similar to the size and shape of a brick and was quite heavy to travel with (Yahoo News 1). The initial phones were not only quite difficult to carry around, they were even quite expensive and a few members of the society who belonged to the category of elites could purchase such phones. There was a need for innovation in the tech nology and this motivated the designers to create phones which were much easier to carry around and inexpensive to purchase so that all the members of the society could use them. The designers were not only motivated to create phones that were easy to carry and affordable, their motivation to innovate the technology was even backed by several other needs of consumers. These needs included communication needs, entertainment needs as well as need to socialize. Various innovations in the cell phone technology that have occurred over the course of past 40 years includes phones such as Nokia 5110 which was quite renowned for its entertainment features such as the game snake, and Motorola Razr V3 which was quite popular for being sleek and providing abundant amount of talk time and as recent as the invention of Android phones which are recognized for fulfilling business, social and entertainment needs (Yahoo News 1 & Webster 1). Designers of cell phone technology continue to innovate and excite the cell phone consumers and in future it is expected that they will create cell phones that have never been thought off as previously experienced by the industry. Benefits versus Disadvantages of Cell Phones Since the inception of cell phones and since the acceptance of cell phones as a necessity, there has been heavy debate regarding whether cell phones have benefited the society or harmed the society. Cell phones can be both beneficial as well as harmful for society, but if used in an appropriate manner, cell phones can cause more benefits than disadvantages for the society as well as the individual members and groups within it. Cell phones have benefited people of different ages along with businesses as they serve several purposes. Cell phones help people remain connected with their loved ones as well as business partners at all time (Berger 427). Cell phones allow individuals with the ease of carry and this helps individuals in communicating with other individuals at any point in time. Businesses even get the benefit of remaining in touch with various stakeholders including customers as well as employees due to the widely acceptability of
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Popular Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Popular Culture - Essay Example The basic ideas of structuralism are taken from the works of Saussure and his basic concept of language and parole. Saussure played a significant role by being able to distinguish parole (speech) and language. According to him, speech is the actual utterance made by an individual while language is the significant symbol of communication. Therefore, structuralism borrowed heavily from this important achievement. An individual who is not from the same culture might see the cultural festivals as acts of immorality, barbaric and at time a waste of important resources. On the other hand, the other people perceive it as an opportunity to enjoy and have fun. A person who understands the structure would be able to understand the meaning as to why people organize street party, why they are masquerading, and why people are in masks. For example, if one attends the Rio de Janeiro carnival, he/she can be tempted to join the carnival festival and enjoy with the rests of the attendants. A person who understands the culture would be able to know that it is a kind of religious festival that marks the beginning of the Easter festive season (Valdivia, 2004). Someone who does not understand the structure might fear that the people putting on masks are evil, but if one understands the culture, his/her personal view would be completely
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Economics Questions Essay Example for Free
Economics Questions Essay 1. Housing Prices 1.1 Fundamental and Non-fundamental Factors Pricing of a product depends on many factors such as demands for the product and how excessive the product exists in the market (supply). Housing price is influenced by `fundamental` and `non-fundamental` factors. The fundamental factor inn housing price is about supply and demand (Himmelberg, Christopher, and Sinai, 2005). 1.2 Market Bubbles and Fundamental Factors The question is whether market bubbles emerge from fundamental factors or what evidence that leads to a bubble in house prices. The fundamental factor inn housing price is about supply and demand (Himmelberg, Christopher, and Sinai, 2005). However, people know the theory of supply and demand are only the first steps towards understanding how setting up the market prices of a product. Furthermore, the theory also helps people to understand the way in which these prices help shape production and consumption decisions. It means that the law of supply and demand will explain any situation that might exist if the market price is too high and vice versa. At any given moment, where the market price is too high, we might expect that consumers will leave sellers since they are already have other options having the same characteristics, size, and the tastes with lower price. The supply-and-demand theory revolves around the proposition that a free, competitive market does in fact successfully generate a powerful tendency toward the market-clearing price. Without any conscious managing control, a market spontaneously generates a tendency toward the dovetailing of independently made decisions of buyers and sellers to ensure that each of their decisions fits with the decisions made by the other market participants. Were this tendency to be carried to the limit, no buyer (seller) would be misled that it wastes time attempting to buy (sell) at a price below (above) the market-clearing price (Kirzner, 2004) Since housing market attracts many investors to put their money for hope that it will raise significantly over times, the housing prices may reach a bubble period. The raise in house prices is influenced by fundamental factors, the supply and demand. This makes sense since the demand for having houses may be exploded when the bubble exist. By definition, bubble situation occurs when housing price is high because buyers/investors predict that the selling price of houses will rise dramatically in the future (Himmelberg, Christopher, and Sinai, 2005). 1.3 Current Housing Prices and the Bubble The housing prices continue to rising today. There are many underlying factor behind the uplifting housing prices. According to McCarthy and Peach (2004), one of the cause behind the rising housing price is because the existence of a speculative bubble in this asset market. This condition present potential threats as the asset market could experience a collapse that further harm the U.S. economy. Another reason of the uplifting housing prices is that the some home buyers Have the willingness and intention to buy the rising housing prices for hope that the houses will rise significantly in the future (McCarthy and Peach (2004). 2. Urban Land Theory Given the case that the town of Valley stream, Long Island is 20 miles by car from midtown Manhattan and in 2000, the median home value was $199,800. The town of Dix Hills, Long Island is 36 miles from Midtown Manhattan and the median home value in 2000 was $386,100. Explain why these facts do or do not disprove the standard `urban land theory` as formulated by economists such as Kain and Alonso. The case does not comply with the urban land theory since the price of housing does not merely relate to distance from a city center or any places of interests. Many factors or preferences have great impacts towards customers’ decision on buying housing that further influences the price as following: a) A Change in Buyers’ Incomes and Wealth According to Howard Community College, â€Å"the demand for most products will go up of buyers’ real incomes or real wealth, i.e., their purchasing power rises.†In the case of housing, if a buyers of the housing manage to earn $25,000 next year instead of $10,000 this year (and assuming there is no increase in the price level), it means that the costumer’s real income increases. This situation will affect the customer’s spending such as their preferences to buy houses that are more expensive. b) Buyers’ Tastes and Preferences Another factor that influences the demand for a product is buyers’ tastes and preferences. In case of housing, the existence of emotional benefits such as good neighborhood or areas where there are celebrities will raise the price of housing in the areas. In addition, the availability of transportation to distance location may increase the housing prices. Another theory says that fundamental factors, the supply and demand, may have influence towards the pricing of cities. Third, changes in underlying fundamentals can affect cities where in locations where housing supply is inelastic, prices tend to be higher relative to rents (McCarthy and Peach, 2004) c) The Prices of Related Products or Services In the housing case of Valley stream, Long Island and Dix Hills, Long Island, the difference of pricing may happen if in the areas there are many housing or other substitutes like apartment, condominiums, and townhouses. Therefore, it does not matter a housing is located hundreds miles away from the downtown, as long as there are value added that customers will obtain when purchasing the houses in the are, the price could be much higher than that near to a city center. The situation explains why Valley stream, Long Island that is 20 miles by car from midtown Manhattan and in 2000, the median home value was $199,800 is priced lower than town of Dix Hills, Long Island is 36 miles from Midtown Manhattan and the median home value in 2000 was $386,100. d) Buyers’ Expectation of the Product’s Future Price This factor will play a role when, for instance, Dix Hills, Long Island announces that the price of their houses will increase next month or year since there will be a shopping centers of any place of interests that located near to the housing. This situation will drive consumers to buy the houses in Dix Hills, Long Island quicker. Therefore, this kind of determinants will increase current demand for the housing in Dix Hills, Long Island and shift the demand curve to the right. 3. Feds and booms and busts in the housing market In the New York Times column of May 27, 2005 economist Paul Krugman wrote: After all, the Feds ability to manage the economy managing comes from its ability to create booms and busts in the housing market In 2004, inflation had picked up and had raised questions in the minds of some people about whether it might be on a rising trend that poses a risk to price stability. Total consumer price inflation as measured by the chain price index for personal consumption expenditures (PCE) has risen from 1.4 percent over the twelve months of last year to an annual rate of 3.0 percent over the first four months of 2004. Donald L. Kohn, a Governor of the Federal Reserve, says that price stability is Fed’s responsibility since it allow businesses and households to plan and operate without worrying about increases in the general price level over the long run is how we contribute best to fostering economic efficiency and rising standards of living (â€Å"Remarks†). Inflation has closed relationship with interest rates. In the situation where retail prices experience a significant increase, people might expect that interest rate will rise as well. The reason is that government try to control the amount of money exist in the market. According BBC News (2005), the increase of oil price and Katrina storm have caused investors in Wall Street to think of Federal Reserve that will likely to push up interest rates rapidly to control inflation. In the United States, the Treasury yield curve is the first indicator of all domestic interest rates and it influence global rates setting. Therefore, in the U.S., interest rates on all other domestic bond categories rise and fall with Treasuries yield. Below is the figure explaining the impact of inflation and interest rates on the Yield.
Monday, January 20, 2020
How to Become an Effective Hitter Essay -- Expository Process Essays
How to Become an Effective Hitter Babe Ruth is known for his 714 home runs. However, few people realize the other statistic he holds, which is having the most strikeouts of any player in the major league. This statistic helps to prove there is only a slight difference between a good hit and a strike. To become a good hitter in baseball, three fundamentals are necessary. First, the batter's stance in the batter's box, second, the batter's eye contact on the ball, and third, the batter's swing are the three fundamentals a good hitter will possess. First, a good stance in the batter's box is required to hit the ball successfully. The stance is not only important to the hitter, but it informs the defense of the location of the hit. Therefore, the batter wants to conceal as much information as possible from the opposition. A batter can conceal the ball's direction by having a proper stance. The proper stance is one where the batter's feet are comfortably apart about 12 to 24 inches. The front foot should not give any indication of pulling the ball down either base li...
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Gene Splicing Lab Question #1: DNA is made up of two separate strands of base sequences. The same sequence is found on both strands, but running in opposite directions. What word describes this characteristic? Palindrome Question #2: What does the term â€Å"sticky ends†refer to in gene splicing? When you splice a piece of DNA with a restriction enzyme, and want to insert the new gene, the â€Å"glue†that holds the two pieces together are the complementary bases, or sticky ends. Question #3: What is a plasmid? How is a plasmid used in gene splicing? A plasmid is a circular segment of DNA with an origin of replication.It can be duplicated and serve as an adjunct to the main bacterial chromosome. Question #4: What types of vectors are used to carry DNA from one species into the DNA of another species? Give examples. Generally plasmids and viruses, although naked DNA is a possible source as well. Question #5: What is a â€Å"transgenic organism†? Give examples. Or ganisms that contain dna from another organism. it is a type of gmo, or genetically modified organism. Ex: genetically modified crops, transgenic cows that produce different milk, mice with different genesQuestion #6: Why is it essential that the same restriction enzyme be used to cleave (cut) the DNA of both organisms used to create a transgenic organism? The restriction enzyme cuts in specifc sites on the DNA, for example complementary strands. A and T or C and G. So only with the same enzyme at both the DNA of organisms in places where the complementary base pairing can be cut, is used as the same enzyme enzyme, the DNA will be cut for example. at A and T on both the organisms the opportunity to tie the organisms at these sites via H-bridges as complementary bases.Therefore, it is allowed to bind the two organisms form a transgenic organism Question #7: Are there any factors other than technical ones that might slow  or even prevent  the use of bioengineering? The re are many social factors that will impede the progress of bioengineering. In the case of agricultural bioengineering, some people are frightened that bioengineered food would be less healthy. Bioengineered crops will also decrease the biodiversity of our food, making it more susceptible to disease (ergo famine). Also, genetically engineered crops will give developed nations a huge advantage over third world in food production.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Quotes from Faulkners A Rose for Emily
A Rose for Emily is a short story by Pulitzer Prize-winning author William Faulkner. Its a popular (and controversial) work, and its also often discussed in literature classrooms. Here some key quotes from the story. Quotes from A Rose for Emily Alive, Miss Emily had been a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town, dating from that day in 1894 when Colonel Sartoris, the mayorâ€â€he who fathered the edict that no Negro woman should appear on the streets without an apronâ€â€remitted her taxes, the dispensation dating from the death of her father on into perpetuity. They rose when she enteredâ€â€a small, fat woman in black, with a thin gold chain descending to her waist and vanishing into her belt, leaning on an ebony cane with a tarnished gold head. Her skeleton was small and spare; perhaps that was why what would have been merely plumpness in another was obesity in her. She looked bloated, like a body long submerged in motionless water, and of that pallid hue. Her eyes, lost in the fatty ridges of her face, looked like two small pieces of coal pressed into a lump of dough as they moved from one face to another while the visitors stated their errand. We had long thought of them as a tableau, Miss Emily a slender figure in white in the background, her father a spraddled silhouette in the foreground, his back to her and clutching a horsewhip, the two of them framed by the back-flung front door. So when she got to be thirty and was still single, we were not pleased exactly, but vindicated; even with insanity in the family she wouldnt have turned down all of her chances if they had really materialized. We did not say she was crazy then. We believed she had to do that. We remembered all the young men her father had driven away, and we knew that with nothing left, she would have to cling to that which had robbed her, as people will. She carried her head high enoughâ€â€even when we believed that she was fallen. It was as if she demanded more than ever the recognition of her dignity as the last Grierson; as if it had wanted that touch of earthiness to reaffirm her imperviousness. I want the best you have. I dont care what kind. (Emily) When we next saw Miss Emily, she had grown fat and her hair was turning gray. During the next few years it grew grayer and grayer until it attained an even pepper-and-salt iron-gray, when it ceased turning. Up to the day of her death at seventy-four it was still that vigorous iron-gray, like the hair of an active man. Thus she passed from generation to generationâ€â€dear, inescapable, impervious, tranquil, and perverse. Then we noticed that in the second pillow was the indentation of a head. One of us lifted something from it, and leaning forward, that faint and invisible dust dry and acrid in the nostrils, we saw a long strand of iron-gray hair.
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